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For Project Owners

This guide provides an overview of creating and ongoing management of projects. Project owners will have an agreement with Bitfount for the provision of platform services, as part of this we also support on the initial set up and configuration of project(s).

Creating a Project

You can create a project using either by clicking the ‘Create Project’ button. The table outlines all the metadata that can be defined within the context of a project, some are mandatory fields and others optional.

Metadata TypeDefinition
Project nameTitle of the project on the platform.
Description1-2 sentence description of the goals of the project.
Official linkURL to more information or official brochure associated with the project (optional).
OrganisationPerson leading or organisation sponsoring the project.
Contact emailContact for all participant related queries (optional).
DurationTimeline for the project (optional).
Project termsTerms & conditions of the project (optional). If included, these must be accepted by participants before joining.
TaskSelected templated machine learning tasks or analyses provisioned by data scientists to be used in the project.

Defining Project Terms

Outlined below are items that you may wish to consider in the definition of your terms and conditions:

  • Confidentiality
  • Exclusivity
  • Data management/collection practices
  • Data subject privacy
  • Definition of who can participate
  • Definition of the collaboration tasks to be performed

We recommend working with your legal advisers to ensure project terms are appropriate in scope for your use case. Bitfount does not assume legal responsibility for verifying the content of submitted terms and conditions, or enforcing project terms and conditions outside role/data access permissions. If terms are too long to include in full or refer to multiple documents, you can include a link to the hosted documents instead.

Managing Projects

Once you've worked with Bitfount to set up a project, you may want to invite or remove collaborators, change project metadata, or delete the project entirely.

Managing Participants

To invite new participants select the project, navigate to the "Participants" tab, click the "Add participants" button and enter the email of the users you wish to invite.

Any users invited will receive an email invitation to join the project.

Once the user has downloaded and created a Bitfount account, they will be able to review the project details, and must accept the project terms (if defined) before joining.

Once accepted, their user record will move from an “Invited” status to “Joined”. At this stage they are able to link their dataset and run the tasks associated with the project.

To remove collaborators from the project click the remove icon against the desired participant. Once removed, any of their connected datasets will also be unlinked.

Updating or Deleting a Project

Bitfount does not currently support updating project metadata such as terms, or tasks. To update your projects metadata, please reach out to our support team.

Monitoring Project Activity

At Bitfount we recognise how important it is to have sufficient oversight of how collaborators are interacting with one another's data or tasks to fulfil the needs of the project.

Different users can see different views as follows:

  • Project Owners can view an activity history for the whole project, including when projects were created, invitations were issued or revoked, and task run history.
  • Data Custodians can view the activity history related to just their dataset, allowing them to see when they last ran a task.

To view activity history select the “Activity History” tab on the project page.

Accessing Logs

Logs are a more technical audit trail of a users interaction with the Bitfount and can hold useful information for the Bitfount team to help resolve any technical issues that might occur.

Logs are available for each collaborator and outline all interactions with Bitfount Desktop. To retrieve log files, select the “Logs” link in the sidebar. This should open the appropriate file location on your machine.


If the application doesn’t locate the appropriate file, please try looking up the following paths in your machines file ‘finder’ C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\com.bitfount.desktop\logs\Bitfount.log or %AppData%\com.bitfount.desktop\logs\Bitfount.log.

Need Help?

If you have any questions after reviewing our Guides and Tutorials, visit our FAQs. If you can't find the answer you are looking for or would like to discuss anything further, please contact us at We're here to help!